What are mail ballots?
In Pennsylvania, you now have two options for mail ballots. You may either choose a mail-in ballot or an absentee ballot to request, complete, and return to your county election office.
- Absentee ballot – If you plan to be out of the municipality on election day or if you have a disability or illness, you should request this ballot type, which still requires you to list a reason for your ballot.
- Mail-in ballot – If you aren’t an absentee voter, you may apply for a mail-in ballot. You may simply request this ballot without a reason.
In order to request either ballot type, you must be registered to vote. Please visit Check Your Registration Status to review your registration information.
Which Ballots should I use?
Absentee Ballot
Who may apply for an absentee ballot application?
- College students who are not registered to vote at their school address
- People whose work or vacation take them away from the municipality where they live
- Those with a physical disability or illness that prevents them from going to the polling place
- Members of the military
- People who may have a conflict due to the celebration of a religious holiday
- Inmates who haven’t been convicted of a felony
- To vote by absentee ballot you must be registered to vote.
Mail-in Ballot
Who may apply for a mail-in ballot application?
You may apply for a Mail-in Ballot if you do not qualify for an Absentee Ballot. You must be registered to vote in order to vote by mail-in ballot.
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