Welcome Friends,
Thanks for visiting our website. Abington Township and Rockledge Borough Republican Organization is dedicated to promoting the solid, winning Republican Values of our Community, our State and our Country. We are the party of limited government, private property rights and individual liberty. We believe in American Exceptionalism and that America is the indispensable country for the promotion of liberty and freedom around the world.
Abington Township is composed of 15 Wards. Each Ward has one Township Commissioner. We have several committee people in each ward.
Abington School District has a committee of Nine School Directors all of whom are elected across the township and Rockledge Borough.
Rockledge is a single voting district. Rockledge Borough has a Borough Town Council and a Mayor.
Attending a meeting
ATRO meets the third Wednesday of every month at the North Hills VFW. Meetings run from 7:00 PM to around 9:00 PM. Click here to view the next meeting occurrence.
Please contact your committeeperson if you have a question. Please contact ATRO if you would like to get involved and help us Make Abington and Rockledge Great Again.